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After School Programs

Living Hope Preschool offers their currently enrolled students, ages 3-5 (who are potty trained), the opportunity to enroll in an after-school enrichment program for an additional fee. We currently offer 2 options, and students may register for both programs if they wish.

Wooden Alphabets


Student must be 3+ and potty trained. We will accept registration on a first-come first served basis according to the time you submit the registration, which can be found by clicking the button below for the program you are interested in, then logging into Brightwheel to fill in the form. If interested in multiple programs, please click the button and submit a form for each one, otherwise you will not secure a spot in the other programs. Upon securing your spot, your invoice will created for the one time program charges (per program). This will be paid via the autopay that is set up already in your account.


Each program is $150 for the 6-week session. The programs will be held from 1-2PM immediately after the regular Weekday Preschool program. Each individual program will be held weekly for 6 weeks.


Art: 12 Max

All-Sports: 15 Max

(Minimum of 5 sign-ups to hold the programs)


Art : Tuesdays - February 18 - March 25, 2025

All-Sports: Wednesdays - February 19 - March 26, 2025

Register Now

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